Send in the Clowns

Our dementia patient is so confused, disconnecting and reconnecting all the time—we never know what to expect from one day to the next. …She’s a Scrambler.

Life is so crazy sometimes: schedule, stress, constant sudden changes.  …Like the Mad Mouse.

No sooner do I answer the question, “How’s Effie?” just like a newspaper headline, the information is stale before nightfall.  …It’s a Roller Coaster.

But a lot of the experience is the same, over and over, day after day.  …Carousel or Ferris Wheel, take your pick: either way it goes round and round, lots of ups and downs.

Last Friday was a “visit.”  Today (Monday), she’s hungry. But you missed Saturday and Sunday. So did Effie; she was asleep. And in her condition, that’s rather foreboding.  …Ooh, Haunted House.

She’s had a history of resistance, banging, struggle, and getting stuck.  …Like Bumper Cars.

Changing clothes on someone with 14-cm upper arms can be freaky.  …You got it:  Octopus!

Wet sheets—up to four changes per day.  …I might stay dryer on a Log Ride.

As for the other changes, well, I might hold my cookies better on the …Rock-O-Plane.

But I’m really glad we got hospice.  …We have Paratroopers!

As we go on, now, our little lady is getting more and more pathetic.  …It’s a long, slow, Giant Slide.

Through it all, God is very good—and we’ve enjoyed our lives, family, and friends.  …It’s a Fun House.


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6 Responses to Send in the Clowns

  1. Tamz says:

    My goodness, but you’re creative!! I just love reading your blog!! And it reminds me to pray for you all. :o)

  2. Tamz says:

    That would be fun. Go for it!

  3. Just Me says:

    Your post was “amusing!” 🙂 HA!

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